Please note that our office is currently unable to welcome visitors due to ongoing construction. Thank you for your understanding.
DELGO Community Transit, with the financial support from the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, is providing Shared-ride Transportation Service to People with Disabilities. Shared-ride paratransit service is available to individuals with a disability, who do not have another source of transportation, at reduced fares. Please note that patrons cannot ride under the PwD Program if they are currently sponsored by other existing programs, such as SEPTA Customized Community Transportation or local human service agencies.
This program is MAINLY for Delaware County residents who live outside the SEPTA service area (mostly rural areas).
In general the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is the guiding force in eligibility determination. It defines a disability in this manner:
"Disability means, with respect to an individual, a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more of the major life activities of such individual; a record of such an impairment; or being regarded as having such an impairment."
The ADA further defines "major life activities" as functions such as caring for one's self, performing manual tasks, walking, seeing, hearing, speaking, breathing, learning, and working. If you think you may qualify for ADA transportation, please contact SEPTA CCT Customer Service for eligibility requirements and to register. Their number is 215-580-7145. If you are traveling outside the SEPTA service area, please contact Community Transit at 610-490-3977 for a PwD application.
To be eligible for this service an individual must fill out a Persons with Disabilities eligibility form and will need to produce documentation as to the nature of their disability from a qualified professional.
A doctor or a health care professional could make this determination. In addition, caseworkers or agencies such as the Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (OVR) Mental Health/Mental Retardation Agency (MH/MR) or Pennsylvania Attendant Care Program could provide information to support an eligibility determination.
Transportation available:
Transportation is available for any trip purpose on a first come, first served basis. Trips must originate within Delaware County, and we can transport you anywhere within Delaware County. Trips to Philadelphia, Montgomery County and Chester County are available on a more limited basis. Community Transit reserves the right to deny a trip request when it cannot be combined with other trips.
Community Transit provides shared ride service and not exclusive taxi service. Passengers will be sharing a vehicle with other riders, so trips may take longer than in a private automobile. Customer Service Representatives may request that passengers adjust their appointment times to insure on-time arrival for all passengers aboard the vehicle.
When you receive your rider ID card, you may begin scheduling your trips by calling 610-490-3960 or our TTY line, 610-490-3990. Trip requests are accepted up to two weeks in advance. Community Transit will accept trip requests until noon one business day in advance, as availability permits. All trips are reserved on a first-come, first-served basis and rides are available as capacity and ride sharing allow. When you call, please be prepared to provide:
When you call to make your trip request, you must advise the Customer Service Representative if an escort will travel with you. A seat will be reserved for your escort. If the trip is within Delaware County the escort's fare will be $5.00 each way. If the trip is to Philadelphia, the escort's fare will be $10.00 each way.
Basic service is from the curb of your pick up location to the curb of your destination. Door-to-door service may be provided if necessary and it is requested in advance. Please click here to read Community Transit's Passenger Assistance Policy.
When you board the vehicle, your Community Transit driver will accept payment in cash or check in the form of exact change.
Community Transit may suspend service when road conditions make driving hazardous. We will notify you with an automated phone call if we opt to suspend service.
PwD Ride Program Service Hours:
PwD will not be provided on the following holidays:
Information & Trip Scheduling:
Call (610) 490-3960 Monday - Friday 7:30 AM to 3:30 PM