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Not just in Delaware County or Pennsylvania but in the whole world. With reduced human activity, 50% of ambient noise was reduced globally. Think about that. No factory noises, no transportation either public, personal vehicles, tractor-trailers, or airplanes. Here in Delaware County, there was one transportation provider that did not stop.
When you ask someone to list essential workers, of course the medical profession is first, then grocery store workers, trash haulers and I am sure you can name more. Would you think of DELGO Community Transit? You should. They never stopped serving the community. Many trips that were usually scheduled by our riders, were considered non-essential, for example trips to the hairdressers and restaurants, but that did not stop the need for transportation. The county, non-profits and SEPTA all reached out for assistance.
When DELGO Community Transit received the call to help – they answered!
CEO Nick Miccarelli’s first concern was for the drivers, who would be in direct contact with the riders. PPE was difficult to obtain and when it was found, the price was astronomical. But the need for N95 masks was crucial, no matter the cost. A call was made to Don’s Body Shop in Essington, who erected barriers in the vehicles to shield and protect the drivers, as well as the riders. After each ride the shuttles were thoroughly cleaned. A sanitation practice was put into place using UV lights in the vehicles. Because of his diligence there were no covid outbreaks or transmissions in the building or on the vehicles.
There were still essential trips that were desperately needed to maintain people’s health and wellbeing. Most notably, to life sustaining appointments for treatments like dialysis and chemotherapy. There were also Covid positive clients, the sickest of the sick, who needed transportation to medically necessary appointments. DELGO was one of a very few carriers in the state doing these runs at no cost. For extra precaution, these trips were made in vehicles outfitted with a protective barrier between the cabin and the passenger area and required the driver to be fully outfitted with PPE, including a protective suit. Remember this was during the hot spring and summer of 2020 before vaccines. Never asking his staff to do something he would not do; Nick drove many himself.
DELGO worked with State Representatives Joanna McClinton and Chris Quinn, who reached out for assistance with food delivery for their constituents. They both came on-site every day during the lock-down to help and still participate. There were other partnerships for food delivery with Family and Community Services, to deliver thousands of meal boxes to qualified residents of the county and with the National Guard to deliver food to Interboro High School and other food pantries around county. The County Office of Services for the Aging (COSA) contacted DELGO to enlist our assistance with performing grocery shopping and delivery services for area seniors regardless of income. Safe grocery pickup and delivery was provided for over 500 residents since April 2020.
“Assisting residents with one of life’s necessities was a small way we could help,” stated Miccarelli. “Connecting with residents over the past two years was a tremendous morale boost for our staff in knowing we were making a difference while many people were stuck at home.”
When the county asked for assistance, DELGO delivered PPE for volunteers working at the election sites. Picking up masks and sanitation equipment form the loading docks at the courthouse and making deliveries to all polling sites in the county. SEPTA discontinued most of their routes, due to driver shortages and called on DELGO to help take people to the Pennsylvania Convention Center for vaccinations and to pick up released individuals from the George Hill Correctional Center. Additional transportation was provided for people without housing to shelter spaces that allowed for better social distancing and safety during the periods of the greatest covid surges in our region.
Nick Miccarelli, his leadership team, staff, and superhero drivers, were available to offer needed transportation for all essential trips requested. “Our team didn’t miss a beat during the pandemic. We masked up and were here every day to deliver on our mission. A pandemic wasn’t going to challenge our commitment,” said Miccarelli. “We are service driven, and it was important for all of us at DELGO to keep our vehicle operators, clients, and the community safe as we expanded our service parameters to meet the needs of our community during this time of unprecedented need.”
DELGO continues to partner with local agencies to address the needs of Delaware County and the residents that call it home and is proud to be part of the fabric of this community.