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If you are over 65, why are you driving?
If you have not used Community Transit yet, now is the time to give it a try.
Let's take it step-by-step. The applications are located above on Senior Shared Ride or Medical Assistance Transportation. If you do not have an account, you can sign up for one on this site.
Once you have completed the application then it's time to book your ride at Find My Ride. Just follow the steps, and you are off to libraries, senior centers, hairdressers, restaurants, doctor appointments, time with friends and family and much more! This is shared ride, so you can make new friends along the way!
But what is a Shared Ride? It is just as it sounds, you are sharing the ride with other individuals. Various organizations and businesses will use identical terms and depending on the business they could have different meanings. Case in point, SHARED RIDE. The words SHARED RIDE are used today by on-demand car services, Uber, and Lyft for example. If you opt to share a ride on one of these services, you will have another person in the car with you and the cost will be based on your pick-up point and destination. You may have used a shared ride when you drop your car off at the dealer for service. Most dealers will take several people back to their home or work while the car is in the shop. DELGO community transit, is the original shared ride. When you schedule a ride, you will be paired with other people coming from and going to a similar location. You will need to plan for an additional time for your trip.
What if you want to travel with a friend or family member who is under 65? We have you covered! You may bring someone with you on your shared ride. When you call to schedule your trip, just inform the Customer Service Representative that a companion will be traveling with you, and a seat will be reserved for them. If the ride is within Delaware County, a companion's fare will only be $5.00 each way. If the ride is to Philadelphia or the other suburban counties, the charge will be $10.00 each way. Anyone from Delaware County can request a share a ride with DELGO, but it is only senior citizens, aged 65 and older, who are entitled to the 15% cost of the full fare. The additional 85% is paid by the Pennsylvania Lottery through a grant from the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation. When you speak with one of the DELGO customer services representative, they will tell you the cost of your ride.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact our Customer Service Department at 610-840-2685. ride.